National Core Data

Corona-related drug clinical trial information

식품의약품안전처 Request Data

◆ What is Corona-related drug clinical trial information ?

「Corona-related drug clinical trial information」 provides the clinical trial plan for corona-related drugs based on the drug clinical trial information held by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, its selection and exclusion criteria, and information on the principal investigator.

What data is open?

   data provider

  open data

Total number of openings


Ministry of Food and Drug Safety

- Corona-related drug clinical trial plan details, Corona-related drug clinical trial plan selection criteria information, Corona-related clinical trial plan exclusion criteria information, Corona-related clinical trial plan investigator information

1,600 cases

open API

How can it be used?

Various purposes, such as information on startups using data-based apps and web, preparation of research plans for medical researchers, support for data-based clinical trial policy establishment, etc. can be used as