National Core Data

Fisheries information

해양수산부 Request Data

◆ What is fisheries information?

Fisheries information is composed of various information such as fisheries-related prices and distribution information such as fisheries related to fisheries, fishing boats, fishery resources, and marine products distribution information. This is an important information that is closely related to the lives of fishermen, middle-class fishermen, fisheries-related companies and people. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries holds 183 pieces of information on marine products distribution and import / export information such as the price of marine products, the price of marine products, It opens about 50 million cases. This will enable fishermen, middle-market fishermen, fishermen import-export companies and the general public who are engaged in fisheries industry to easily provide the data necessary for understanding the price trends and import-export trends of aquatic products.

Does that any data they open?

   Data provider

  Open data

Total number of openings

Delivery method

Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Aquaculture information (information on the farmers' confectionery site, consignment sales by chiefs, etc.),

Use processing warehouse information (input / output status by combination warehouse items, inventory status by combination warehouse items, etc.)

Inventory information (distribution center inventory status by product, logistics center inventory status by logistics center /

Import / export information of aquatic products (national fishery import / export status, national fishery import / export status, national fishery import / export ranking information, etc.)  

About 50 million

File data,

Open API

<Maritime and Fisheries Department Fisheries Information Opening System>

How can I use it?

In the case of fishermen, it is possible to identify price trends by fish species of each fishery by using fisheries information, and it is possible to help increase the income of fishermen through consignment sale at appropriate price by selecting the chiefs to be commissioned. In the export-import enterprises, it is possible to estimate the volume of export and import by analyzing the amount of the top-tiered marine products and the amount of inventory held at the warehouse and distribution center. Based on this, it is expected that profit will increase due to efficient purchasing and inventory management. Also, the distribution of fishery products and the opening of import and export information ultimately have the effect of stabilizing the prices of fishery products. By stabilizing the price of seafood, consumers of seafood will be able to use the seafood inexpensively, which is expected to result in a virtuous cycle that will lead to an increase in the income of fishermen and businessmen as a result of increased use of seafood.